Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Alternative Therapeutic Coaching?

Faced with a life-changing event, from sickness, divorce, death, careers, we are faced with the constant pressure to find balance in the chaos, leaving our bodies feeling stressed and exhausted.
Presenting us with situations that seems impossible to negotiate alone, we all need help at times to “negotiating the chaos” to bring the balance back to our life.  Without change our bodies and spirit feel discouraged leaving us feeling depressed, anxious and angry.  Using techniques that work with the sub-conscious mind we can create change that is immediate and long lasting.

Through my experiences with various Alternative Health Practices I have come to understand that our mind, body and heart are really messengers for our soul/spirit.  As a practitioner in many different techniques, I have the resources to provide individuals, businesses, groups and couples, what they need to achieve their maximum potential and most desired outcome. Through my training in Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP) Reiki, Hypnosis, Noesitherapy and Matrix Energetics, I can communicate and reach individuals on a deeper level to create the change they have been searching for their entire lives. When we seek to create change in our lives, most often we are changing patterns and beliefs that have been ingrained in us for years.  The use of these techniques allows us to create change quickly and easily.

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