Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My take on the most important key’s to manifesting

Believe, if you do not truly believe you will receive what you are asking for ~ you are sending mixed messages.  Take a moment and look at what is happening in your life, now think about what your are focusing on, more than likely your life has become what you have focused your attention on.  Your experience is directly related at what you are looking for.
*If you are running late for any reason you begin to focus on what may make you even later, traffic, roadblocks, accident, etc., missing the fact that everything can go smoothly and you actually arrive on time or early.
*When you bought your car you focused on what you wanted possibly thinking you haven’t seen very many in that color or style, only to see after that you noticed several of the same color and style.  Because you were not looking for it, your mind didn’t feed you the information, only after you bought it did you start looking for how many other cars were like yours allowing your mind to start looking for them.
You won’t experience miracles unless you are open to the fact that they exist.  And you won’t make your dreams come true unless you believe it is possible.

Be Specific, Remember that what you focus on are the instructions you are giving to your mind.  Remember there is a huge difference between being committed and being interested in your goals.  When you are committed, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.  When you are interested, you probably will not be as specific on your goals as when you are committed.  So be very specific, paint a picture in your mind that is so vivid that you mind will know exactly what you are focusing on.  Again, going back to my take on this goals/dreams should influence people’s lives and bring value to our world no matter how big or small it is, at the end of the day, you touched someone else’s life.  Don’t focus entirely on the money focus on the value.  Einstein said this:
“Try Not To Become A Man Of Success, But Rather Try To Become A Man Of Value”

Action, Yep, you have to take action.  Ask yourself what can I do, how can I do this.  Is it making a list, visiting a website, attending a seminar, or going to a meet up group.  Think of it as physics ~ something that is set in motion stays in motion.  It starts with that first step.  Find other people, who have what you want, learn from them.  Again, focus on the value, paint that vivid picture in your mind so your life will become the life you want.
Once you have to combination to the lock on your dream, you can open the door.