Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My take on the most important key’s to manifesting

Believe, if you do not truly believe you will receive what you are asking for ~ you are sending mixed messages.  Take a moment and look at what is happening in your life, now think about what your are focusing on, more than likely your life has become what you have focused your attention on.  Your experience is directly related at what you are looking for.
*If you are running late for any reason you begin to focus on what may make you even later, traffic, roadblocks, accident, etc., missing the fact that everything can go smoothly and you actually arrive on time or early.
*When you bought your car you focused on what you wanted possibly thinking you haven’t seen very many in that color or style, only to see after that you noticed several of the same color and style.  Because you were not looking for it, your mind didn’t feed you the information, only after you bought it did you start looking for how many other cars were like yours allowing your mind to start looking for them.
You won’t experience miracles unless you are open to the fact that they exist.  And you won’t make your dreams come true unless you believe it is possible.

Be Specific, Remember that what you focus on are the instructions you are giving to your mind.  Remember there is a huge difference between being committed and being interested in your goals.  When you are committed, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.  When you are interested, you probably will not be as specific on your goals as when you are committed.  So be very specific, paint a picture in your mind that is so vivid that you mind will know exactly what you are focusing on.  Again, going back to my take on this goals/dreams should influence people’s lives and bring value to our world no matter how big or small it is, at the end of the day, you touched someone else’s life.  Don’t focus entirely on the money focus on the value.  Einstein said this:
“Try Not To Become A Man Of Success, But Rather Try To Become A Man Of Value”

Action, Yep, you have to take action.  Ask yourself what can I do, how can I do this.  Is it making a list, visiting a website, attending a seminar, or going to a meet up group.  Think of it as physics ~ something that is set in motion stays in motion.  It starts with that first step.  Find other people, who have what you want, learn from them.  Again, focus on the value, paint that vivid picture in your mind so your life will become the life you want.
Once you have to combination to the lock on your dream, you can open the door.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


We all have them, however, many of us may not realize how they affect our lives.  The truth is that our worldviews impact our confidence, success, happiness, and our peace of mind.
Everything we think about impacts our worldview ~ life, death, money, relationships, etc.
We all have free will to believe anything we want or not to believe anything at all.  We can live in the past or choose to create a new and brighter future.  If you are ready to change your future, you first have to change your thoughts/mind.
You have to stop playing those old tapes and create a new view of yourself, your dreams, and your purpose in life.
The first step is always the hardest ~ with difficulty comes opportunity ~ embrace the challenge ~ choose to live a good life.
Start paving your future.  It could be a path towards discovery, career, romance, or destination. It may just be that path away from our old ways.

For a free 15-minute consultation to learn how to create a new path call 303-919-8876.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter

People are often unreasonable and self-centered. 
            Forgive them anyway.
If your are kind, people many accuse you of ulterior motives.
            Be Kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
           Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
           Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
          Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
             Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
              It way never between you and them anyway.

                                                              ~ Mother Theresa

Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


The word now is used to strengthen a command.  Like take charge of your life and do it NOW.  We have a choice and that is to take the steps now to create our happiness.  Don’t live in the past, learn from the past.   I remember a quote unfortunately not the person my apologies in not being able to acknowledge this person.

“Don’t carry your past mistakes around with you.  Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones.” Live now.

Now is really all we have embrace it.  Do not procrastinate and put off until tomorrow when you can do it now.

I say this frequently and family and friends roll their eyes so here it is:
Learn to see opportunity in the moment knowing that life is unfolding exactly as it should.  What can seem like our worst disaster can actually become the best thing that ever happened to us.  Be in the moment.

Thank you to my dear friends Tracy & Kim what a week and what great moments.

To those of you that were in my life for only moments thank you.

NOW go and enjoy your day.

p.s. did I say it enough? Do it now!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Creating a Life Plan

Developing a plan for your life

I always enjoy when a new year begins it allows me to review the past year and make necessary changes to ensure that I am living my life plan.

So get started, the first step is to develop a life plan where you formulate everything you want out of life.  Because as Jim Rohn has said:

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll
fall into someone else’s plan.  And guess what they
have planned for you?  Not much.”
                                                                            Jim Rohn

What do you want?

Career ~ Ask yourself is the type of work you would choose?  If yes great, if not do you a have a clear plan?  What steps will you take to change your career?  Make a list of steps needed to get to your desired outcome.  Action will be required and you may have to adjust your results based on the approach.  When you keep improving your approach and not give up is when change happens.

Relationships  ~ How would you define your perfect relationship?  Make a list of everything you want in your relationship.  Look at past relationship what worked what didn’t.  What changes need to be made?

Home ~ If you were given a magic wand where would you live?  What prevents you form moving to that location?  What does your house look like how is it furnished?  Your home reflects your overall personality and should make you happy.

Creating a life Plan is a process however,  unexpected events may occur making it necessary to change your approach.  When you do this and embrace life to its fullest, take the necessary steps needed and not give up you can begin to live the life you truly desire.