When bad things happen to good people:
I can remember so many times thinking if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all! I may have been joking however, my thoughts were becoming things. I was encountering bad luck more frequently than I ever had and it just seemed that bad things were happening on a regular basis. When a very close friend who is also a NLP practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist heard me talking like this his response was “Hello you know better!” Joke or no Joke bad luck was happening and I was responsible because as I tell all my clients thoughts become things choose the good ones! My thoughts now are all about good luck and what a difference one word makes.
Sometimes though bad things just happen that you have no control over, your company has downsized and your out of a job, or maybe you were fired unjustly, your spouse left you, you lost your home, you counted on someone to follow through and they let you down it could be a number of things. When we are faced with these obstacles it is how we handle them that speak to our character. The first question you need to ask is what is the opportunity in this obstacle? The saying that God never gives us more than we can handle always pops in my head and I think “Really” there is an opportunity in this obstacle? There always is it may not be what you want it to be but it is exactly what it is supposed to be. It is a journey that we decide how it will end we can see the cup half full or half empty it is our choice.
Bad things will happen ~ just remember this too shall pass and remember to ask yourself what is the opportunity in this obstacle.
NLP and Hypnosis are great tools to change your thoughts and start you on a path to achieving great successes.