You never know when you will get that “call” that changes your life in an instance. I remember what it was like when my doctor called and told me he needed to see me (and we know that it is never good when you have to go back into the office.) When I arrived at the office my Doctor brought me into his office and advised me that I had carcinoma in situ stage 3, having had so many issue with my reproductive system the word carcinoma didn’t sink in. I thought okay so now what do we do? Timelines and procedures where put in place and while the “cancer” had not spread my diagnosis was changing day by day until I finally had to give up my hope of having any more children. During this time my emotions were up and down, trying to find the opportunity in this obstacle was to say the least, one of my most challenging to this day. I was not prepared to have an only child nor was my daughter as she was always asking when she would have a little brother or sister.
I wasn’t prepared at that time, Alternative medicines and modalities were never discussed with me, even today so many individuals are not aware of the different modalities that are available for us. This is not to say that seeing a physician for your illness isn’t necessary it is, however, for additional healing alternatives it would have been encouraging to be advised of modalities that could have enriched my healing experience.
Because of what I have been through, I have studied with the greatest teachers, mentors, in alternative modalities and use techniques that enhance our well being and healing.
I believe in the power of our minds, the emotions behind our thoughts determine the speed at which we are able to manifest what we want. If you truly want something, it will come to you so much faster if you are excited about it, see it, feel it, than if you are lukewarm about wanting it. Your thoughts become things you must choose the good ones. Make it so real in your imagination you can touch it and see it happening.
Are you stuck? Do you want to change a limiting belief? Are you ready for change? If so call for your free consultation today (303-919-8840) and begin to live the life of your dreams.