Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How Reiki Works

The human body is made up of over 50 trillion cells. Each cell contains
omniscient wisdom and is connected to the universe and every living
 thing within it. A good analogy is to think of the universe as a huge
ocean of water. Every living thing within that ocean is like a tiny
droplet. Together these droplets make up and are part of
Reiki the universal life force.

Reiki is part of our genetic structure. A built intelligence that energises
the mind body and spirit. Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and healing.
When it is freely allowed to flow around the body it can keep us alive
 and healthy many years.

Unfortunately, bad habits and poor choices result in the flow of Reiki
 being stifled.  Through neglect and ignorance we abuse this vital
component of life.

When the mind body and spirit are in harmony the biological intelligence
 that governs the body’s resources and allows it to heal itself and function
correctly are intensified. Reiki is the key that unlocks the body’s optimum
capabilities. There are seven main energy centers in the body that control
the flow of the universal life force. They are called the Chakras.  Each chakra
 is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body. When they
are blocked or clogged the body may become sick and the flow of energy is slowed.

A full Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and re-balances the flow of the universal life
force around the body. A person treatments schedule will vary. Reiki will stimulate the body’s 
immune system and natural healing abilities. Normally the body will begin by
cleansing itself of toxins. As the toxins are removed, the body becomes re-balanced 
and the healing process can begin.