Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How Reiki Works

The human body is made up of over 50 trillion cells. Each cell contains
omniscient wisdom and is connected to the universe and every living
 thing within it. A good analogy is to think of the universe as a huge
ocean of water. Every living thing within that ocean is like a tiny
droplet. Together these droplets make up and are part of
Reiki the universal life force.

Reiki is part of our genetic structure. A built intelligence that energises
the mind body and spirit. Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and healing.
When it is freely allowed to flow around the body it can keep us alive
 and healthy many years.

Unfortunately, bad habits and poor choices result in the flow of Reiki
 being stifled.  Through neglect and ignorance we abuse this vital
component of life.

When the mind body and spirit are in harmony the biological intelligence
 that governs the body’s resources and allows it to heal itself and function
correctly are intensified. Reiki is the key that unlocks the body’s optimum
capabilities. There are seven main energy centers in the body that control
the flow of the universal life force. They are called the Chakras.  Each chakra
 is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body. When they
are blocked or clogged the body may become sick and the flow of energy is slowed.

A full Reiki treatment reopens the chakras and re-balances the flow of the universal life
force around the body. A person treatments schedule will vary. Reiki will stimulate the body’s 
immune system and natural healing abilities. Normally the body will begin by
cleansing itself of toxins. As the toxins are removed, the body becomes re-balanced 
and the healing process can begin.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The holidays are fast approaching which for many means added stresses.

Suggestions on how to keep your holidays filled with joy.

Keep it Simple.

Make a budget and stick to it.

Create a shopping list now and start purchasing items each time you shop.

Review your holiday traditions with your family ~ which ones to keep and new ones to make.

Take your time in decorating do a little at a time.

Don’t make mountains out of molehills; who cares if the tree is not perfect, let the children put all the ornaments on the bottom and enjoy their enthusiasm for a job well done.

Don’t complicate the holidays.  Simply take a moment and focus on what you truly want for this holiday season.  By doing this you have taken, the first step in creating a stress free holiday season.

Happy Holidays!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Healing your emotional baggage

I believe that our emotional baggage comes from an addictive behavior.  Therefore, we need to look at past behavior and patterns to identify the initial sensitizing event that resulted in:

Belief ~ Emotion ~ Behavior ~ Results

Identify the event that lead to the “result” is the first step to healing.  Healing means to become comfortable with yourself, feeling accepted, confident, empowered and valuable for whom you are.  This is achieved through a range of modalities of skilled therapy, to provide you with overall wellness and empowerment to become the person you want to be.

Is it easy to do?  Is it easy not to do?

The answer is yes to both questions.  Will it be easy?  Probably not, it takes time hard work and commitment.  It is not enough to know what the tools are; we need to apply the appropriate tools daily to achieve our desired outcome.  No tool is valuable if you leave it in the toolbox it is the ability to apply the tool that leads to your long-term changes.  It comes down to you to make the necessary changes.


What we think about we bring about.
thoughts become things choose the good ones.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Using your mind to create new choices to improve your life allows you the ability to meet the greatest person you will ever know YOU!  .  When you change your thoughts, you can begin to create new choices to improve your life

As Certified Medical Support Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and Reiki Master, I have been able to study how language affects the mind.  By helping people learn how to use their mind to overcome obstacles creates the beginning for new possibilities.  Only you can truly know what is right for you through visualization, new thought patterns, letting go of the past, old patterns can be broken and new patters established.

Stress reduction/relaxation benefits your health in many ways, helping one heal the body by activating the immune system.  Hypnosis is safe, pleasant, and natural (yet altered) state of awareness.

I specialize in the following:

Medical Support and Pain Control
Stress and Anxiety Relief
Trauma Reversal, Grief or Loss
Personal Growth Workshops
Phobia Reversal
Past Life Regression
Goal Setting.

Thoughts becomes things choose the good ones!

Call for your free consultation 303-919-8876

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Definition: Divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation; the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions; the act of influencing or suggesting opinions; the act of drawing in; specifically; the drawing of air into the lungs; the quality or state of being inspired

Are you living the life you want? 
Does each day bring you joy?  

If not take time to make positive changes in your life.  Seek new direction and be open to new ideas.  If you feel resistance take a walk, clear your mind. Only you know what is truly right for you.  Listen to your heart and begin making the changes to live your dreams.

For things to change you need to change.

Gods blessings.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New beginnings

The secret begins with understanding how the conscious and subconscious minds work.  While our conscious mind has the potential
to reason and decide our course of action, it can only implement the decision if the subconscious mind agrees.  Initial sensitizing events, which usually happen before we are old enough to comprehend what is helpful or detrimental to our wellbeing, become our beliefs and subsequent behavior.  Based on the belief and behavior the subconscious mind accepts only what the conscious mind accepted at the time of the event.  Over the years, we begin to realize that our behavior is not consciously want we want.  For instance take the fear of spiders as we get older we know that a picture of a spider will not hurt us however for some who are deathly afraid of spiders picture, fake, etc the belief at the moment of the Initial sensitizing event was all spiders are scary because our subconscious mind does not discern between fact or fantasy it sees what it is and we react as if it were real.  Because we always do what the subconscious mind believes is what is best for us, we can reprogram it with new ideas and concepts.  Through hypnosis, we can bypass the conscious mind, work directly with the subconscious mind, and create a new course of action.

* We become what we contemplate ~ Are you ready for change?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

  JOURNEY:  Passage through life; excursion;
 travel from one place to another

 If we allow ourselves to treat life as a wondrous journey,
learning all we can from the ups and downs 
progress can been made.  

Our perspective and how we view things is critical to success in our journey.  
Thoughts can be the difference between freedom and prison.
Don't live in the past learn from the past and move forward. 
Take the steps to create happiness.  Release and transform
 things that have held you back. 

 Move towards a place of empowerment and watch the joy unfold.

Thoughts become things choose the good ones!

  To a great new journey.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just a thought!

“The only way you discover a new identity is by letting an old one go. And the only way you’ll find security in Christ is by throwing down the human securities we tend to cling too.” Mark Batterson

What part of your identity are you hanging onto like it is a security blanket, giving you comfort, even though it's holding you back? Is it time to let go?
Thanks Schanell

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Wow where does the the time go?

So here we are half way through the first month of 2012, some resolutions may have been broken, thoughts of the past may still be creeping into our hearts, and our "new" routines have begun. Or have they?

My question to you is have you settled into a new rut? Like so many of us we have high hopes that a new year will bring a fresh new start, new opportunities, clean slate, etc. What soon happens is that things are not changing fast enough for us, we want instant results, we have become accustomed to having things now, fast food, instant messaging, instant credit, we have forgotten that for the best results we need to plant, cultivate, then harvest.

Just recently I met a person traveling who reminded me that honesty is really the most important part of who we are. (Thanks Brian)  If we begin with that and truly look at what we want and where we want to be it can simplify the process of change. For those of you that follow my blog you know that for things to change I always remind you that you have to change.  

Lets start with looking at what we want honestly, are your hopes, dreams and goals yours? Or are you looking at what other people have and want that? My daughter recently posted on her blog "Fitting in is the path to regret." I believe that says a lot about what we reach for . Many of us want to fit into what society says is the American dream, so we strive to have what everyone else has instead of being who we want to be, sure big houses, great paying careers, nice new cars, etc. are great if that is truly what  you want.

For me it is living life to its fullest enjoying each day, doing what I want to do, even though many people still think I am crazy leaving the corporate world, a great paycheck, big house etc. I am happier than I have ever been with so much less! And yes it was hard work and took two years but worth every moment.

So I challenge you to be you ~ find what makes you smile all day long, when getting up in the morning is exciting, and best of all your just happy.

Plant ~ Plant the seed that is/has been your hearts desire.

Cultivate ~ take the time to do the things necessary to achieve this.

Harvest ~ when everything has been completed enjoy what happens!

To a great year!

Gods blessings