Positive Quote

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today". Franklin D. roosevelt

Friday, November 25, 2011

Letting Go

During  this Christmas season, think about the following:

Who needs more patience from you?
Who needs more time from you?
Who do you need to forgive?

This is the perfect time to let go of the past and begin
a new journey.  We tend to spend so much time on things
that have passed we miss the small joys that are in front of us.

Enjoy the day that has been given to you ~
embrace all the wonderful
opportunities and challenges ~

To a great season

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Definition:  to give up resentment or desire to punish; to stop being angry with; to overlook; pardon

Like many individuals the need to be right or in control prevents you from forgiving family, friends and even co-workers.  The need to punish or even be punished seems easier than letting go of the hurt, resentment or humiliation.  I refer to these as energy leaks that prevent you from moving forward.  When you forgive you free yourself from the negative energy in a very constructive way.

Give yourself the gift of acceptance.

Forgive others it truly is one of the most important steps toward real peace and happiness.

Thoughts become things choose the good ones.

Friday, August 12, 2011

For a very long time, hypnosis has been a natural tool used instinctively to give birth. Hypnosis is a natural, very pleasant state in which people can achieve phenomenal levels of focus, peace, joy and anesthesia.
Today with the medicalization of childbirth, many have moved away from our natural instincts to enjoy a peaceful and natural childbirth. Luckily, many expectant mothers are looking to get more involved in the birth of their baby and are motivated to accomplish this with the least medial and pharmaceutical intervention necessary.
The achievements of hypnosis, when combined with modern medical knowledge will provide individuals the most comfortable, safe, and fulfilling births for couples.

The future holds great possibilities - it is within your grasp to enjoy a natural childbirth
Call 303-919-8876 for your free consultation.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Following your heart

The hardest thing that many of us face is those urges that creep into our thoughts and hearts. When we take the time to listen to these urges, and make those moment-by-moment choices we can change the course of our journey.

It is letting go and letting God, being alert to those inner urges/voice that are guiding us to new opportunities. Acknowledge this insight and become aware of the possibilities of your heart’s desires.

At a very young age and Angel spoke to me and told me “If I didn’t get what I wanted the first time it was because God had something better in store for me.” It was not that I would not face trials and tribulation I would. It meant that I had to follow my heart, believe in myself, and know that there was something better coming my way. I have never been let down sure I have at times avoided the urges/voice causing great opportunities to be delayed. When I focused on the urges/voice, spent time examining the possibility, I had doors open that have been extraordinary.

Pay attention and reach for the stars!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

When your're smilin'

It seems that the world has stopped Smiling as much at we used to!

So a reminder ~ Made famous by Louis Armstrong

When you're smiling...keep on smiling'
The whole world smiles with you
And when you're laughin"...Keep on Laughin"
The sun comes shinnin' through

But when your cryin" you bring on the rain
So stop your frowning"...be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'...keep on smiling"
the whole world smiles with  you.

Oh when you're smiling...keep on smiling'
The whole world smiles with you
And when you're laughin"...Keep on laughin"
The sun comes shinnin' through

Now when your cryin" you bring on the rain
So stop your frowning"...be happy again
Cause when you're smilin'...keep on smiling"
the whole world smiles with  you

The great big world will smile with
The whole world will smile with  you!

So to all of you who have faced difficult times
"This too will pass"  so keep on smilin"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Have your dreams come true or has the road
become bumpy?

I have definitely been down the bumpy road.  I watched the Secret as many people have, The Law of Attraction, ask, believe then we will receive. I just wasn’t receiving. So I thought what more could I do? That’s when I realized I also need to take action.  If you need a job and you ask, believe and wait to receive it may take a while before you are employed.  If you add action to this equation, you network with people, have your resume ready at all times, spend some time researching companies that appeal to you chances are you will be gainfully employed in a much shorter time frame.

As a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, the one thing I learned is that hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to change habits and I was going to use it to change my life.  I would not give up.  This is where many people fail they give up because they don’t know how to take action or how to keep the action going until they get their desired results. Through my extensive training I combined my resources and created a program that shows you how to take action and keep going until you reach your dreams.

For things to change you have to change, take control of your thinking and take action.

I invite you to experience hypnosis, NLP, Reiki, and start making changes.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Alternative Therapeutic Coaching?

Faced with a life-changing event, from sickness, divorce, death, careers, we are faced with the constant pressure to find balance in the chaos, leaving our bodies feeling stressed and exhausted.
Presenting us with situations that seems impossible to negotiate alone, we all need help at times to “negotiating the chaos” to bring the balance back to our life.  Without change our bodies and spirit feel discouraged leaving us feeling depressed, anxious and angry.  Using techniques that work with the sub-conscious mind we can create change that is immediate and long lasting.

Through my experiences with various Alternative Health Practices I have come to understand that our mind, body and heart are really messengers for our soul/spirit.  As a practitioner in many different techniques, I have the resources to provide individuals, businesses, groups and couples, what they need to achieve their maximum potential and most desired outcome. Through my training in Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP) Reiki, Hypnosis, Noesitherapy and Matrix Energetics, I can communicate and reach individuals on a deeper level to create the change they have been searching for their entire lives. When we seek to create change in our lives, most often we are changing patterns and beliefs that have been ingrained in us for years.  The use of these techniques allows us to create change quickly and easily.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


As most people know nothing stays the same; there is
constant movement even if we don't always see it.  As
your thoughts change  your life will change.  Embrace
your uniqueness and listen to the the small voice within you.

Take responsibility for your choices and let others be
accountable for theirs.  How you respond to situations
is up to you, be careful of allowing yourself to dwell
on denial.  Give yourself permission to experience whatever
is necessary then take action.  You may be amazingly surprised
at the outcome.

Always maintain balance and be precise in your thinking and what you
put forward for consideration.

Thoughts become things choose the good ones.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

To a New Year & New Journeys!

This post is directed to those that have experienced changes in
their lives.

Like so many of you change has been a constant for me over the past several months.  Embracing theses changes with an open mind and heart has opened doors that would have remind closed had my circumstances not changed.  Was it easy no, however, it was exciting to explore all the possibilities and clearly set my intentions for the future that I wanted not what someone else wanted.  Don’t get me wrong the “what if’s” would pop into my mind and I would quickly change the direction of the negative ‘what if’ to a positive ‘when I’ for instance if the thought of what if I fail came to mind I would change that to when I achieve this I will… Our thoughts become things choose the good ones.  The energy of our thoughts surrounds us look around see who is near you if your mood is angry, mad, or sad chances are you are around people with the same feelings or around no one at all, then notice what happens when your around people who are happy, smiling, energetic it is so much more fun to be with this group of people.  Surround yourself with successful and happy people.

If you’re that person who wants to blame someone for your misfortune, bad luck, whatever it may be.  STOP and let go, life happened and it happened to you embrace the challenge; begin building your new life.  Reach out take a chance invest in YOU, and yes you can find a way to invest in you as the saying goes “Invest & Believe in yourself and Success is Simple” R Gamble.

A dear friend once told me to remember “BIONIC” ~  Believe it or not I care ~ BIONIC ~ to a great year!

For one on one coaching call 303-919-8876

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For things to change you have to change

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Author unknown

When you have the desire to dream big anything is possible, by taking action on your dream it is one of the greatest opportunities you have today that allows you to take control of your life.
The average human being generates approx 60,000 thoughts per day. It is a vibration force that is quite literally attracting things to you.
Do you believe that a thought leads to a feeling? That the feeling leads to an action? That the action leads to a result? I do! Everything in our world began with a thought. So why is that some do and some don’t achieve their dreams? The power of thoughts and beliefs are why some do and some don’t. The “Secret” is a powerful movie that explains the “Law of Attraction” if you have not seen this I recommend that you watch it.
There will always be individuals that are never happy and don’t believe that by changing their thoughts they can change their world, don’t surround yourself with these types of people surround yourself with positive, successful people and begin your journey to fulfilling your dream.
Hold he intention that your dream will happen and watch it happen.

Remember for things to change you have to change. To new beginnings and a great year!